I’m not going to give a detailed review. The translator works pretty well for the languages I use. But some things it resolutely does not want to learn to improve and I’m not sure why. But I can’t go into that. I just want to ask about the continual problem with “Can’t add to history. Try again later.” Everything works fine with a new installation of the app, for a few weeks. Then these error messages start coming in with every translation. It’s super annoying because it’s a pop up that keeps you from doing what you thought you were doing, like copying the translation. So you go back into WhatsApp, say, to paste in the translated response, and instead you’re pasting in something you had previously copied, because your attempted copy didn’t take, because it was too busy telling you that it couldn’t add to your history for some unknown reason. It’s all so exhausting to describe, let alone to use. Just fix it, guys. All these things that just don’t work right are sapping our life blood away. Time waits for no one. Please fix.
Mario Smith
Jun 23, 2020
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras aliquam, quam congue dictum luctus, lacus magna congue ante, in finibus dui sapien eu dolor. Integer tincidunt suscipit erat, nec laoreet ipsum vestibulum sed.
Leo Williams
Jun 23, 2020
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras aliquam, quam congue dictum luctus, lacus magna congue ante, in finibus dui sapien eu dolor. Integer tincidunt suscipit erat, nec laoreet ipsum vestibulum sed.